Category: Programs

Awakening to the Dharma

2024 April, 20. Awakening to the Dharma, Joseph Goldstein. In this essay, Goldstein explores the transformative impact of mindfulness and meditation. He emphasizes the Buddhist concept of Dhamma, relating it to truth and reality. He discusses the practice of Dhamma as a path to directly experiencing reality, without the filter of conceptual thinking. This leads […]

Resurrection and Renewal

2024 March, 16. Resurrection and Renewal. As we approach Easter and the Spring Equinox, we will explore how the topics of renewal, resurrection, and the cycle of seasons relate to our spiritual journeys. We will use as our source material a chapter from Adyashanti’s book Resurrecting Jesus: Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic. This […]

God as Essence

2024 February, 17. God as Essence, A. H. Almaas. Almaas describes his direct experience of a living presence, a palpable feeling of a living living self-aware truth.   This was experienced first as differentiated spiritual qualities and then as pure Being.  Have we experienced the Presence that he describes?  Do these experiences invite us into a […]

What Personal Life?

2024 January, 20. What Personal Life? Michael Beckwith. As a free, liberal religion with no dogma, UUism encourages us to build our own theology. One of the best ways to do this is to open our minds w-i-d-e and listen carefully to a variety of people as they outline their beliefs. This month’s article invites […]

UU SpiritLife Conversations

UU SpiritLife Conversations, is a series of facilitated zoom conversations on spiritual topics, offered on Saturday mornings. This free program is open to all members of the three Hartford area UU churches on a drop-in basis – you don’t need to register or commit to the whole series.

Who Speaks

2023 November 18. Who Speaks, Marsha Sinetar. Marsha discusses secular solitude as her dwelling place, in which she connects with the source of creation and spirit of life, which “speaks to her” as she discusses in this chapter. Her spirituality is very grounded, ordinary, and relational; her website pictures her in a cow pasture. We’ll explore […]

Leaning Into the Light

2023 October 21. Leaning Into the Light, Stephen Levine. The late Stephen Levine was a spiritual teacher and writer. Many of us have read and re-read “A Gradual Awakening,” “Who Dies?,”Healing into Life and Death,” and others. His article “Leaning Toward the Light,” picks up familiar spiritual themes. To paraphrase Levine: “I find myself […]