Local Congregations

All of the following are LGBTQ Welcoming Congregations

Unitarian Society of Hartford, Hartford, CT

50 Bloomfield Ave
Hartford, CT 06105-1006
United States

Website: http://www.ushartford.com/

Email: [email protected]

The Universalist Church of West Hartford, West Hartford, CT

433 Fern St
West Hartford, CT 06107-2002

Website: http://www.westhartforduu.org/

Email: [email protected]

UU Society: East, Manchester, CT

153 Vernon St W
Manchester, CT 06042-2209

Website: http://www.uuse.org/

Email: [email protected]

UU Church in Meriden, Meriden, CT

328 Paddock Ave
Meriden, CT 06450-6985

Website: http://www.uumeriden.org/

Email: [email protected]

Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs, Storrs Mansfield, CT

46 Spring Hill Road
Storrs Mansfield, CT 06268

Website: http://www.uufstorrs.org/

Email: [email protected]